改革の痛みを和らげること: alleviation of the pain that will accompany reforms 構造改革の痛みを和らげる: lessen the pain of structural reform のどの痛みを和らげる: relieve someone's sore throat〔人の〕 傷の痛みを和らげる: soothe a wound 出産の痛みを和らげる: make childbirth less painful 分娩の痛みを和らげる: make childbirth less painful 失業の痛みを和らげる: alleviate the pain of unemployment 患者の痛みを和らげる: comfort the patient 末期の痛みを和らげる: alleviate pain of dying 死に際の痛みを和らげる: alleviate pain of dying 癌患者の痛みを和らげる: relieve the pain of cancer patients [cancer patients' pain] 筋肉の痛みを和らげる: ease the muscle soreness 腸の痛みを和らげる: ease intestinal distress 良心の痛みを和らげる: ease someone's conscience〔人の〕 関節の痛みを和らげる: improve joint pain