- acts that infringe government regulations
条令に違反する: violate an ordinance
法令に違反する: violate a statute
大統領命令に違反する: violate a presidential decree
裁判所命令に違反する: violate the court order
出資法に違反する: violate the law on investment deposits and interest rates
刑法に違反する: violate the criminal code
協定に違反する: break an agreement
国際法に違反する: act against international law
契約に違反する: 1. be in violation of a contract 2. breach a contract 3. break a contract 4. break an agreement 5. make a breach of contract 6. renege the contract 7. violate a contract
州法に違反する: be against state law
憲法に違反する: 1. contravene the Constitution 2. violate the constitution
故意に~に違反する: knowingly break
旅券法に違反する: violate the passport law
条約に違反する: violate a treaty
条項に違反する: violate provisions of〔~の〕