- Government officials are sometimes excessively touchy about getting suggestions from religious leaders.
ひどく腹を立てる 1: 1. be deeply offended 2. be put in a rage 3. blow a fuse 4. blow one's cork / blow the roof / burst into a fit of rage / burr up 5. gnash of teeth 6. grind [gnash] one's teeth 7. hit the ceiling ひどく
ひどく腹を立てて: in serious displeasure
彼は友達にひどく腹を立て、いすから立ち上がった。: He got very upset at his friend and got up from his chair.
ひどく腹を立てている: be violently angry
激しく腹を立てる: give way to shrill pique
政府の代表者たちからひどい扱いを受ける: be treated badly by representatives of the government
大衆の指導者たち: public leaders
電話することに腹を立てる: be annoyed with someone for ringing〔人が〕
~を…として利用することに腹を立てる: resent someone's use of ~ as〔人が〕
政府の役人: 1. government official 2. people in the employment of the government
経済界の指導者たちと会見する: meet with business leaders
提言を得る: obtain proposals to〔~するための〕
ロシア政府の指導者: Kremlin leader
指導者たち: leadership
パレスチナの指導者たち: Palestinian leadership