- connection to the government in power
政府と財界との癒着: cozy relationship between politics and business
経済界と裏社会との癒着: close ties between a business and the underworld
心膜の癒着: adherent pericardium
政官の癒着: collusion between bureaucrats and politicians
眼瞼の癒着: sticking together of the lashes
~間の癒着: adhesion between
外務官僚との癒着を根絶する: root out someone's cozy ties with Foreign Ministry officials〔人の〕
民間企業との癒着の懸念を否定する: dismiss concerns about cozy ties to private industry
監督官庁との過度の癒着を是正する: correct excessively cozy ties to regulatory agencies
社員の~との癒着を未然に防ぐ: prevent personnel from becoming too close to
aのbへの癒着: adhesion of A to B
政官業の癒着: 1. collusion among politicians, bureaucrats and business 2. cozy relations among politicians, bureaucrats and business leaders 3. unsavory co-dependence among the political community, the bureaucrac
政財界の癒着: 政財界の癒着 n. the close [cozy] relationship between political and business circles. (見出しへ戻る headword ? 癒着)
腫瘍の~への癒着: tumor adherence to
その国の政権との親密な関係を持続する: maintain the close association with the administration of the country