fulfill one's dream of getting married in a church
教会で結婚式を挙げるという夢をかなえる: fulfill one's dream of getting married in a church 教会で結婚式を挙げる: 1. get married at a church 2. have a church wedding 挙げる〔教会で結婚式を〕: 【他動】 solemnize 永続的な世界平和という夢を実現する: make real the dream of permanent world peace 結婚式を挙げる: 1. celebrate a wedding 2. have a wedding ceremony 3. hold a wedding 派手な結婚式を挙げる: have a big wedding その教会は、結婚式を挙げるには絶好の場所だ。: The church is an excellent location for a wedding. 型どおりの結婚式を挙げる: have a conventional wedding 夕暮れ時に結婚式を挙げる: have a sunset wedding ceremony 形ばかりの結婚式を挙げる: have a very small wedding 教会で結婚する: be married in church 雇用を増加するという公約を実現する: fulfill promises of more work 式を挙げる: 式を挙げる しきをあげる to hold a ceremony 夢を実現する 1: 1. accomplish a dream 2. bring one's dream to life 3. fulfill one's dream 4. transform dream to reality 5. turn one's dream into reality 夢を実現する 2 fulfill one's dream of becoming〔~になるという〕 ロマンチックな結婚式を挙げる計画を立てる: plan a romantic wedding ceremony