数分から数時間にわたって続く: last for several minutes to several hours 数分から数時間継続する: last from several minutes to several hours 収縮期間にわたって持続する: last throughout systole _週間にわたって持続する: last for up to __ weeks〔効果が〕 数分から半時間持続する: last from a few minutes to half an hour 数分から数時間続く: last from several minutes to several hours 数時間にわたって余震を感じる: feel aftershocks for several hours 1週間から数週間にわたって: over a period of one to several weeks 1時間にわたって: 1. over a period of one hour 2. over one hour 長時間にわたって: 1. for a long stretch of time 2. for many hours 3. for the long haul 4. over a prolonged period of time 5. over an extended time period 数時間以上にわたって悪化する: worsen over several hours 数分から数時間以上かけて: over a period of minutes to hours 査察を長期間にわたって継続する: continue the inspections over the long term ストレスに関係が乏しくまたは無関係で長期にわたって持続する状態: longstanding condition with little or no apparent relationship to any stress 生存者の多くに深刻で長期にわたって持続する心理的問題を残している: have left many of the survivors with severe and long lasting psychological problems