多くの変化をもたらす: wreak a lot of changes〔否定的な文脈で〕 何らかの変化をもたらす: bring in a few changes in〔~に〕 意識の変化をもたらす: bring about changes in attitudes 雰囲気の変化をもたらす: bring a change of mood 多くの国々の行動に驚くべき変化をもたらす: cause extraordinary changes in the behavior of many nations 変化をもたらす 1: 1. bring about a change 2. bring about a transformation 3. bring about changes 4. effect a change 5. effect an alteration 6. introduce changes 7. make a change 8. occasion a change 変化をもたらす 2 【形】 数多くの変化を経験する: undergo a great deal of change 世界に数多くの悲劇をもたらす: bring many tragedies to the world 社会に数多くの利益をもたらす: generate many benefits for society 世界中に未曽有の変化をもたらす: bring about unprecedented changes across the globe 金融環境の変化をもたらす: change the financial environment …に特有の変化を~にもたらす: produce ~ changes characteristic of 世界に変化をもたらす力: power to create change in our world 健康に変化をもたらす: make a difference to one's health 前向きな変化をもたらす: make a positive change to〔~に〕