- recover completely within a few hours or days
数時間から数日間続く: 1. last [continue] for (several) hours or days 2. last hours to days
数時間から数日間継続する: last [continue] for (several) hours or days
完全に回復する: 1. make a full recovery 2. return completely
数時間後から1日以内に: within a few hours to a day
最近の手術から完全に回復する: fully recover from one's recent surgery
経済危機から完全に回復する: wholly recover from an economic crisis
その後完全に回復する: be followed by full recovery
感受性を完全に回復する: restore full sensitivity
症候群が完全に回復する: lead to a complete reversal of a syndrome〔主語の結果〕
数日以内に: 1. within a few days 2. within days 3. within the course of a few days ~数日以内に within a few days of
~数日以内に: within a few days of 数日以内に 1. within a few days 2. within days 3. within the course of a few days
結婚式から数日以内に婚姻届を出さなくてはならない: We will have to have our marriage registered within a few days of the wedding ceremony.
今後数日以内に: in the next several days
生後数日以内に: within the first few days after birth
_時間以内に完了する: complete within __ hours