断る別の言い方を探す: look for another way to say no ノーと言うほかの言い方を探す: look for another way to say no ノーと言う別の言い方を探す: look for another way to say no ほかの仕事を探す: look for another job ほかの職場を探す: look for another job 別の言い方をする: try another way 別の言い方をしましょう: Let me try another way. 別の言い方をするならば: or to put it another way 別の言い方をすれば: 1. expressed in another way 2. stated another way 3. stated differently 4. to put it another way 別の言い方をすれば。 Let me put it another way. 物の言い方を心得ている: have a way of putting things nicely どっちつかずの言い方をする: speak in a noncommittal way 対する物の言い方を心得ている: know how to talk to〔人に〕 独断的なものの言い方をする: lay down the law 遠回しな物の言い方をする: say it in a roundabout way 言い方を選ぶ: adjust one's language