Once I settle in the new country, I'll bring over my family.
家族を後で呼び寄せる: get one's family out later 呼び寄せる: 呼び寄せる よびよせる to call to summon to send for to call together 電報で(人)を呼び寄せる: telegraph for 静かで落ち着いた環境で: in a quiet and calm atmosphere 新しい環境の中で落ち着いて仕事ができる能力: ability to be comfortable in the new environment 落ち着いた: 落ち着いた おちついた quiet calm composed 呼び寄せる 1: 1. bring in 2. call forward 呼び寄せる 2 bring over〔~を〕 呼び寄せる 3 1. call over 2. show someone in〔人を〕 そろそろ落ち着いたら?: Isn't it about time you thought about settling down? 生活が落ち着いたら: when things ease up in someone's life〔人の〕 落ち着いたら電話してね。: Call me when you get settled. 身の回りが落ち着いたら: when things ease up in someone's life〔人の〕 宿題を済ませるつもりだ: intend to finish my homework 楽しませるためにバンドを呼び寄せる: bring on a band to entertain〔人を〕 今夜は町に出掛けて新しい映画を見るつもりだ: We will go downtown and see the new movie tonight. 新しいプロジェクトに彼を起用するつもりだ: I'm going to use him on a new project.