- There was a lot of unrest during the formation of the new government.
新政府の樹立 1: establishment of a new government 新政府の樹立 2 establishment of the new government in〔~における〕
国民によって運営される政府の樹立: establishment of a government managed by the people of〔~の〕
新政府を樹立する: establish a new government
新政府樹立に至る: lead to the formation of a new government in〔~における〕
わずかながら政府の動きがあった。: There was a slight movement from the government.
銀行、企業、政府の三者には関係があった: There was a triangular relationship between the banks, business and government.
それについてはいくらかの不安がある。: There are some concerns about it.
の不安が高まる中: amid growing fears that〔that以下〕
一抹の不安が残る。: One just has to wonder.
分離不安がある: get separation anxiety
前途に不安がある: face a rocky road ahead
大きな不安がある: have serious reservations about〔~について〕
新政権樹立のための各派間協議: talks among rival factions to form a new government
新政府の基礎を築く: build up the foundation of the new government
新政府: 1. new administration 2. new government