一致を欠く: lack unity
人員を欠く: lack the manpower to〔~する〕
刃物を欠く: break the tip of a knife
勇気を欠く: lack courage
定数を欠く: lack a quorum
思慮を欠く: lack consideration
戦略を欠く: lack strategy
抑制を欠く: 【形】 hyperthyroid
明晰を欠く: 【形】 ambiguous
気力を欠く: lack the drive
気骨を欠く: lack in moral courage
知識を欠く: lack knowledge
礼儀を欠く: 1. lack good manners 2. lose all decency
礼節を欠く: lack the proprieties
節度を欠く: lack moderation