express one's appreciation of someone's patronage and confidence
これまでの厚情に対し(人)に礼を述べる: thank someone for his generous support over the past years これまでの長年にわたる厚情に対し(人)に礼を述べる: thank someone for his generous support over the past years 送ってくれた(人)の配慮に対し礼を述べる: thank someone for his thoughtfulness in sending〔~を〕 の用命に対し礼を述べる: thank someone for giving the opportunity to serve〔人から〕 貢献に対して礼を述べる: thank someone for his contribution〔人の〕 親切にしてくれたことに対し個人的に礼を述べる: extend one's personal thanks for someone's kindness〔人が〕 本件解決に向けての(人)の努力に対し礼を述べる: thank someone for his efforts in resolving the matter 参列者に礼を述べる: express thanks to everyone who attended〔~の〕 参加者に礼を述べる: express thanks to everyone who attended〔~の〕 日ごろの愛顧にこたえる機会を探す: search for opportunities to reciprocate someone's favors〔人の〕 ~のために(人)がしてくれた手配に礼を述べる: express one's appreciation for the arrangements that someone made for の好意と理解に対し礼を述べる: thank someone for his courtesies and understanding〔人から〕 配慮に対し取り急ぎ礼を述べる: take a moment to thank someone for his consideration〔人の〕 長年の親交に対し心から礼を述べる: extend to someone one's sincere thanks for his longstanding friendship〔人の〕 ~に対し個人として礼を述べる: express one's personal thanks to someone for〔人の〕