さまざまな制約を受ける: be subjected to various restraints さまざまな場面で: 1. at different situations 2. in a variety of contexts 日常生活におけるさまざまな経験の積み重ね: accumulation of a wide range of experience in daily life さまざまな差別を受ける: face various forms of differential treatment さまざまな程度の~を受ける: undergone varying degrees of さまざまな評価を受ける: get mixed reviews さまざまな形で日常生活を題材にした画像: images drawn from daily life in one form or another 救助隊員は、消火訓練などのさまざまな業務指導を受ける。: Rescue workers are trained different work-related skills including how to fight a fire. さまざまな形で~から恩恵を受ける: benefit from ~ in so many ways さまざまな肉体的影響を受ける: experience a wide array of physical effects 免税などさまざまな特典を受ける: enjoy tax exemptions and other benefits たくさんのさまざまな場所で: in many different locations 数多くのさまざまな場所で: in many different locations 画面上のさまざまな場所に移動する: go across the various bits of the screen さまざまな場で: in a variety of settings