- reform plans for Japan's administration and economic structure
経済構造改革: 1. economic structural reform 2. reform of the economic structure
構造改革および弱体経済を巧みに操作する: juggle structural reform and the weakening economy
経済構造改革期間: period to reform the economic structure
経済構造改革特区: special deregulation zone
経済構造改革に努力する: work for economic structural reforms
経済構造改革の推進: 1. advancing of economic structural reform 2. promotion of economic structural reform
経済構造改革の深化: deepening of the economic structural reform
経済構造改革の達成: accomplishment of economic structural reform
経済構造改革を促進する: accelerate one's economic structural reform
経済構造改革を実現する: achieve economic structural reform
経済構造改革を推進する: 1. promote economic structural reform 2. push forward with economic structural reforms
経済構造改革を開始する: get economic structural reforms rolling
日本の経済再生に直結する構造改革: structural reforms that would directly lead to a Japanese economic recovery
日本の構造改革の促進: accelerated structural reforms by Japan
マクロ経済および構造改革を忍耐強く続ける: persevere with macroeconomic and structural reforms