bring the Japanese economy further into harmony with the global economy
経済との調和を図る: be harmonized with the economy 世界経済の減速をさらに厳しいものにする: make the global slowdown even more severe 世界経済をさらに発展させる: further develop the world economy 下で改革をさらに進める: further promote reform under〔~の〕 協議をさらに進める: further advance the consultations 反乱をさらに進める: take the revolt a step further by〔~することで〕 解体協力をさらに進める: further accelerate cooperation on the dismantlement of〔~の〕 話し合いをさらに進める: further advance discussions on〔~の〕 さらに進める: crank ~ into high gear〔~を〕 衰え気味の日本経済をさらに鈍化させる: further dampen the flagging Japanese economy 日本経済の構造変化と世界的規模での競争の中で: amid the structural change of the Japanese economy and global competition 世界経済の成長を止める: snuff out the growth of the global economy 世界経済の_%を占める: account for __% of the global economy 環境と経済の調和を保った発展: ecodevelopment 環境と経済の調和を保った開発: ecodevelopment