- carry on a phone conversation in a language other than Japanese
日本語以外の言語を使って電話で話し続ける: carry on a phone conversation in a language other than Japanese
英語以外の言語: languages other than English〔 【略】 LOTE〕
英語以外の言語を話す家庭: household where some language other than English is spoken
英語以外の言語で~を書く: write ~ in a language other than English
従業員に英語以外の言語を話すことを禁じる: forbid workers to speak anything but English
携帯電話を使って~と連絡を取り続ける: use a cell-phone [cellular phone, mobile(-phone)] to keep in touch with
会話を続ける 1: carry on conversation 会話を続ける 2 carry on a conversation (with)〔~と〕
会話を続けること: carry the conversation
英語以外の言語による情報: information provided in languages other than English
ローマ字を使って日本語を書く: write Japanese words using Roman characters
楽しく会話を続ける: carry on a pleasant conversation with〔人と〕
_時間会話を続ける: carry on a conversation with someone for __ hours〔人と〕
話を続ける: 1. go on to the story 2. go on with one's story 3. go proceed with one's story 4. keep talking 5. speak on
いつも電話を続ける: keep ringing up all the time
四六時中電話を続ける: keep ringing up all the time