I'm taking the day off tomorrow to make up for last Sunday.
明日は先週の日曜の代休を取ります。: I'm taking the day off tomorrow to make up for last Sunday. 先週の日曜日: 1. Sunday week〈英〉 2. a week ago Sunday 日曜日に来る祝日の代休: holiday in lieu of a public holiday that falls on a Sunday 先週の日曜日は、駅は大学生でごった返していた: The station swarmed with college students last Sunday. 日曜日に当たる祝日の代休: holiday in lieu of a public holiday that falls on a Sunday 来週の日曜日: 1. Sunday next week 2. Sunday week〈英〉 3. a week from Sunday 4. next Sunday week 5. next week's Sunday 隔週の日曜日: alternate Sundays 今日は有休を取りました: I'm on a paid holiday. 先々週の日曜日: a week ago last Sunday 再来週の日曜日: two weeks from Sunday 再来週の日曜日に: on the Sunday after next 隔週の日曜日に: alternate Sundays 「今週の日曜日はどうするの?」「のんびり過ごすだけさ」: "What are you doing this Sunday?" "I'm just goofing off." 今週の日曜日は、仕事に行かなければならない: I have to go to work on Sunday this week. 先週の明日: a week ago tomorrow