同じ場所で: 1. at the same position 2. in place 同じ場所で現れる: occur at the same place 同じ場所で生じる: occur at the same place 同じ場所: same place 同じ場所で同時に起こる: happen at same time in same place 同じ時間帯に: just around the same time いつもと同じ場所で(人)と会う: meet someone at the same place as usual 毎年休暇を同じ場所で過ごす: go on vacation every year to the same place 同じ場所で調理された同じ食品を食べる: eat the same food prepared in the same place 同じ場所にある: at the same location as〔~と〕 同じ場所にいる: stand in one position 同じ場所に住む: share an address 同じ場所に現れる: occur at the same place 同じ場所に生じる: occur at the same place 同じ時間間隔で: at the same interval of time