face one of the most daunting adversaries in movie history
何らかの恐ろしい困難に立ち向かう: face some terrible adversity 何らかの恐ろしい災難に立ち向かう: face some terrible adversity 彼は映画史上最大の力作の一つに出演するという経験をした。: He's had the experience of working on what is one of the biggest efforts in the history of movies. 厳しい問題に立ち向かう: face with a difficult challenge 厳しい挑戦に立ち向かう: meet a difficult challenge 苦しい戦いに立ち向かう: face an uphill battle 苦しい闘いに立ち向かう: face an uphill struggle 難しい課題に立ち向かう: face with a difficult challenge 不幸に立ち向かう: brave misfortunes 世界に立ち向かう: meet the world 侮辱に立ち向かう: retaliate to someone's insults〔人の〕 反対に立ち向かう: brave the opposition 困難に立ち向かう: 1. cope with difficult times 2. face (one's) difficulties 3. face the music 強敵に立ち向かう: strive against fearful odds 怒りに立ち向かう: face someone's anger〔人の〕