the law doesn't seem to make much common sense sometimes . 法は時に不公平だ
不公平だ。: That's not right. それでは他の従業員に不公平だ。: It's not fair towards other employees. 不公平だと思う: guess it's not going to be fair to〔~するのは〕 明らかに一方に不公平で: decidedly one-sided その決定は不公平だと思う: think the decision is unfair そんなのフェアじゃない。/ずるい。/不公平だ。: 1. It's not fair! 2. It's unfair! 不公平: 不公平 ふこうへい unfairness injustice partiality ~のことで(人)に責任を負わせるのは不公平だ: It is unfair to blame someone for はっきりと一方に不公平で: decidedly one-sided 不公平な: 【形】 1. inequitable 2. invidious 3. one-sided 4. partial 5. quacked 6. unequal 7. unfair 8. unjust 9. wanton 不公平に: 【副】 1. inequitably 2. partially 3. unjustly 不公平感: 1. feeling of unfairness 2. feelings of inequality 3. sense of unfairness 不公平税制: 1. inequitable tax system 2. inequitable taxation system 3. unfair taxation system 不公平競争: 不公平競争 ふこうへいきょうそう unfair competition そんなの不公平だ!僕の方が大きいから、僕の方がもっと必要なんだ!: That's not fair! I'm bigger, so I need more!