walk in procession through the town to the strains of music
行列を作って練り歩く: walk in a parade 祭り囃子に合わせて町中を練り歩く: march along to festival music throughout the town 行列を作って歩く: march in procession 行列を作って行く: go in procession 気取って練り歩く: promenade about 曲に合わせて歌う: sing along 展示館に入るのに行列を作って待つ: wait in line to enter the pavilion 長い時間行列を作って待つ: stand in line for a long time 練り歩く: 練り歩く ねりあるく to parade to march 練り歩く人: parader 列を作って待つ: 1. queue up 2. wait in a queue 列を作って進む: 【自動】 file 列を作って~を待つ: form a line and wait for 列を作って~を阻む: block ~ by forming a line 合わせ行なう: 合わせ行なう あわせおこなう to carry on together to do at the same time