complete renewal invoice and return it with one's renewal fee
記入済みの申込書に保険料を添えて返送する: return the completed application with one's premium payment 更新請求書: renewal invoice 同封の注文用紙に記入して返送する: complete and return the enclosed order form 署名届に初回入金分を添えて返送する: return the signature card together with one's initial fund 更新請求権: renewal right 定期購読更新請求書: subscription renewal invoice 年間会員更新請求書: annual membership renewal invoice 同封の予約申込書に記入して払込金とともに_月_日までに返送する: complete and return the enclosed reservation form with one's payment by 依頼して送ってもらった申込書に記入の上返送する: return the completed application someone forwarded at one's request〔人に〕 更新料: 1. renewal charge 2. renewal fee 請求書類に記入する: fill in the requisition papers すべて更新: update all《コ》 契約更新料: commission for contract renewal 用紙に記入してすぐに発送するよう(人)に勧める: urge someone to complete the form and mail it right away 注文書に記入してすぐに送り返す: fill in and return an order form straight away