仕事をやり遂げる: 1. bring off the task 2. finish a job 3. get one's jobs done 4. persist in one's work 5. see one's work through to the end
殺人をやり遂げる: carry through a murder
研究をやり遂げる: study out
骨の折れる: 【形】 1. backbreaking 2. exacting 3. fiddly 4. grinding 5. killing 6. laborious 7. laborsome 8. moiling 9. operose 10. painful 11. painstaking 12. pick-and-shovel 13. robust 14. severe 15. strenuous
やり遂げる: やり遂げる やりとげる to accomplish
大きな仕事をやり遂げる: get a big job done
必須の改革をやり遂げる: achieve needed reforms
自分の仕事をやり遂げる: do one's bit
やり遂げる 1: 1. carry through 2. come through 3. put through 4. run out 5. see through to the end 6. turn in やり遂げる 2 【他動】 hack やり遂げる 3 1. carry through with 2. follow through with 3. stick to〔~を〕 やり遂げる 4 pa
ひどく骨の折れる: 【形】 taxing
骨の折れる1週間: arduous week
骨の折れること: doing
骨の折れる交渉: 1. arduous negotiations 2. tough negotiation
骨の折れる仕事: 1. arduous labors 2. arduous task 3. arduous undertaking 4. backbreaker 5. backbreaking job 6. backbreaking task 7. backbreaking work 8. bear〈俗〉 9. bone-breaker〈米俗〉 10. daunting task 11. exacting du
骨の折れる任務: onerous duties