- carry out experiments with the best equipment
最高の装置を使って実験をする: carry out experiments with the best equipment
最高の装置を用いて実験を行う: carry out experiments with the best equipment
最高の道具を使って実験を行う: carry out experiments with the best equipment
最高の装置を用いて実験をする: carry out experiments with the best equipment
最高の道具を使って実験をする: carry out experiments with the best equipment
微粒子を使って実験を行う: experiment with tiny particles
最高の道具を用いて実験を行う: carry out experiments with the best equipment
決められた日程に従って実験を行う: conduct the experiment according to a set schedule
試料を用いて実験を行う: carry out experiments using a sample
この化学物質を使ってウサギに癌を発生させる実験を行う: We are going to do [carry out, conduct, make, perform, run] experiments in [on] rabbits to grow a cancer using the chemical.
最高の道具を用いて実験をする: carry out experiments with the best equipment
使った簡単な実験を行う: conduct a simple experiment with〔~を〕
実験を行う 1: 1. conduct experimentation 2. conduct the experimental tests 3. perform a test 実験を行う 2 perform further experiments to〔~するためにさらなる〕 実験を行う 3 perform experiments with〔~で〕 実験を行う 4 1. do [carry out, co
核実験を行う: carry out nuclear test
拡声器装置を使って: by means of a loudspeaker system