- the split between the haves and the have-nots
有産者と無産者: haves and have-nots
無産者: 無産者 むさんしゃ proletarian
生産者と消費者の橋渡し: bridge between producers and consumers
破産者の: 【形】 bankrupt
破産者となる: become a bankrupt
生産者の利害: interest of producers
生産者と消費者の橋渡しをする: serve as a bridge between producers and consumers
間の不和: vendetta between〔~の〕
生産者のリスク: 生産者のリスク producer's risk[電情]
生産者の意思決定: producers' decision
二国間の不和: division between the two countries
人種間の不和: discord among the races
兄弟間の不和: feud among brothers
友人間の不和: breach between friends
各党間の不和: interparty feuding