- serve as a useful reference
とって有益な参考資料: useful reference for〔人に〕
とって役に立つ: answer someone's purpose〔人に〕
参考資料: 参考資料 さんこうしりょう reference data
参考資料館: morgue
有益で役に立つ: informative and helpful
背景として役立つ: serve as background
われわれ全員にとって役に立つ: be beneficial to all of us
自分にとって役に立つものを読む: read what is good for
困難な時局に立ち向かうに当たって役に立つ: be of assistance to someone at this difficult time〔人が〕
役に立つ: 役に立つ やくにたつ to be helpful to be useful
役に立つ 1: 1. amount to much 2. be of advantage 3. be of assistance 4. be of help 5. be of service 6. cut ice 7. do the business 8. fit [fulfill, suit] the [one's] purpose 9. go for 10. help out 11. lead to mu
役に立つが: while ~ is useful in its own way〔~はそれなりに〕
役に立つ物: big help with〔~で〕
…のための参考資料にする: use ~ as part of the reference materials for〔~を〕
…のための参考資料に使う: use ~ as part of the reference materials for〔~を〕