見直しを求める: call for a review of〔~の〕 国の法制度の見直しを求める: call for an overhaul of the nation's legal system 法律の見直しを求める声が強い。: There is a strong call for revision of the law. 即時見直しを求める: call for an immediate revision of〔~の〕 総合的な見直しを求める: demand a comprehensive review of〔~の〕 有料道路拡張計画の見直しを提案する: propose a review of the tollway expansion project 見直しを強く求める: strongly request a review of〔~の〕 計画の1~2年先延ばしを求める声の高まり: growing calls for the plan to be postponed one or two years odaの見直しを行う: conduct a review of one's ODA その法案の付則に_年後の見直し規定を盛り込むことを求める: demand the incorporation of a supplementary provision under which the law will be reviewed in __ years 計画の承認を求める: submit a plan for someone's approval〔人に〕 ~見直しのための交渉開始を求める: seek the launch of negotiations on 見直しを進める: work towards the review of〔~の〕 不断の見直しを行う: carry out an ongoing review of〔~について〕 公共事業の見直しを行う: overhaul budget allocations for public works projects