- 1. give the book a once-over
2. leaf through a book
サイトにザッと目を通す: scour the site
中身にザッと目を通す: quickly scan the contents
内容にザッと目を通す: quickly scan the contents
報告書にザッと目を通す: 1. give a report a cursory glance 2. look over a report 3. skim through a report
新聞にザッと目を通す: 1. give a glance at over 2. scan a newspaper 3. skim the papers 4. skim through the newspaper 5. take a brief look at the newspaper 6. take a glance at over 7. take a glance over the newspaper
書類にザッと目を通す: 1. glance over the documents 2. look over the document
見出しにザッと目を通す: browse the headlines of〔~の〕
~にザッと目を通す 1: 1. give ~ a once-over 2. give ~ a quick once-over 3. give ~ the once-over lightly 4. glance one's eye over 5. glance one's eyes down 6. have a look through 7. look over 8. pass one's eyes over 9. ru
ウェブサイトにザッと目を通す: browse through the website
内外の新聞にザッと目を通す: glance through domestic and foreign newspapers
朝刊にザッと目を通すこと: glance over this morning's paper
求人広告にザッと目を通す: take a cursory look at the job ads
ザッと目を通す 1: 1. browse through 2. cursory look 3. glance over 4. glance through 5. run down ザッと目を通す 2 【他動】 skim ザッと目を通す 3 flick through〔本?書類などに〕
書類にザッと目を通した。: I looked over the documents.
レポートを提出する前にザッと目を通す: look over one's report before turning it in