銀行口座を凍結する: froze one's bank accounts 銀行口座を空にする: drain one's bank account 銀行口座を開設する: 1. open a bank account 2. set up bank account 個人名義の口座: personal account [a/c] 会社の銀行口座: credit of the corporation in a bank 共同の銀行口座: joint bank account 銀行口座を開く: 1. open a banking account 2. set up bank account 新しい銀行口座を開設する: open a new account at a bank 過激派の銀行口座凍結: freezing of the bank accounts of extremist groups 口座振込によって(人)の銀行口座に送金する: dispatch to someone's bank account via direct deposit 一時的に銀行口座を開く: rig up bank accounts 新しい銀行口座を作る: open a new account at a bank 新しい銀行口座を設ける: open a new account at a bank 新しい銀行口座を開く: open a new account at a bank 口座名義人名: account holder's name