上海支社への転勤: transfer to Shanghai office 子会社への転勤: transfers to subsidiary 親会社から子会社への転勤: transfer from the parent company to a subsidiary 東京の本社へ転勤になる: be transferred to the head office in Tokyo 上海支社への転任: transfer to Shanghai office あなたの地方支社への転勤は、経験を積む絶好の機会です: Your transfer to the rural office is a great opportunity to earn your wings. 上海のオフィスへの転勤: transfer to Shanghai office 別の事業所への転勤: transfer of workers to another business entity ~への転勤希望に同意する: consent to one's request for a transfer to〔人の〕 突然の転勤: sudden transfer to〔~への〕 会社への信頼: trust in the firm 支社への異動: transfer to the branch office これは、会社が中国への彼の転勤を決めた大きな理由だ。: This is one of the key reasons that made the company transfer him to China.〔前文の内容を指して。〕 ウィリーはニューヨークへの転勤が決まって夢見心地だ: Willy is on cloud nine about his transfer to New York. 穴への転落: fall into hole