私はもう何日も彼と連絡を取っていない。: I haven't communicated with him for several days. 連絡を取って: 1. in communication with 2. in touch with〔~と〕 取引先と連絡を取って~を確認する: communicate with one's customer to confirm 客先と連絡を取って~を確認する: communicate with one's customer to confirm 毎日連絡を取って: in daily contact with〔人と〕 時々(人)と連絡を取って関係を切らずに保っておく: touch bases with someone at times to keep the lines of communications open さまざまなチャネルを通じて~と連絡を取り合っている: be in touch with ~ through various channels 何年も連絡を取っていない: have not heard from someone for years〔人と〕 昨日、昔の恋人と連絡を取った: I got in touch with an old flame yesterday. 友人と連絡を取る: keep in touch with a friend at〔~にいる〕 外界と連絡を取る: in touch with the outside world 必ず(人)と連絡を取る: be sure to keep in touch with 秘書と連絡を取る: liaise with someone's secretary〔人の〕 空軍と連絡を取る: effect liaison with the air force ~と連絡を取らせる: put someone in touch with〔人に〕