いすに両足を上げて座る: sit with one's feet on the chair 机に両足を乗せて座る: sit with one's feet up on the desk 広げる〔両足を〕: 【他動】 straddle 両足を机に乗せて: with one's feet up on the desk 真っすぐに両手を上げる: hold one's hands above one's head 頭上に両手を上げる: hold one's hands above one's head いすに両足を乗せて座る: sit with one's feet on the chair 洗面器に入れた湯に両足を浸す: soak both one's feet in a basin of warm water 位を上げる: raise someone in rank 例を上げる: → 例を挙げる 兵を上げる: → 兵を挙げる 声を上げる: 声を上げる こえをあげる to raise one's voice 幕を上げる: 1. draw up the curtain 2. raise [lift] the curtain 床を上げる: put away the [one's] bedding 式を上げる: → 式を挙げる