- submit a coordinated request for budget allocations for the coming fiscal year
来年度予算の概算要求を統一して出す: submit a coordinated request for budget allocations for the coming fiscal year
来年度予算の概算要求: ministerial budget requests for the coming fiscal year
来年度予算の概算要求基準: guidelines on ministries' requests for budget allocations for the next fiscal year
予算の概算要求基準: 1. budgetary request guidelines 2. ceilings for budget requests
来年度の概算要求の中に~に対する支出を盛り込む: include expense for ~ in the budget framework for the next fiscal year among other special budget requests
来年度の概算要求に_ドルを~のために盛り込む: include $__ for ~ in the budget estimate for next fiscal year
来年度予算: 1. next fiscal budget 2. next year's budget
来年度予算の大蔵原案: government-approved draft budget for the next fiscal year
来年度予算の編成作業: work to draft the budget for the next fiscal year
予算の不正使用に対して正当な要求を提出する権利: right to file a legitimate claim to abuse of the budget
予算概算要求: budgetary request
来年度予算を編成する: 1. compile a full-year budget for the next fiscal year 2. put together the national budget for the next fiscal year
充てるために来年度予算で_ドルを要求する: ask for __ dollars in the next fiscal year to go toward〔~に〕
来年度予算の公共事業費を据え置く: maintain public works spending in the next fiscal year at the current level
来年度予算編成: 1. compilation of next fiscal year's budget 2. next fiscal year's draft budget