- swear by Oriental medicine
判断に絶対の信頼を置く: have absolute confidence in someone's judgment〔人の〕
全面的な信頼を置く: place complete reliance in〔~に〕
絶大な信頼感: immeasurable faith
政府に対し絶大な信頼を寄せている: have a greater respect for government
信頼を置く 1: 1. place one's trust in 2. place reliance (on) 3. place trust (in) 4. put faith (in)〔~に〕 信頼を置く 2 1. give someone one's trust 2. repose trust in〔人に〕
東洋医学: 東洋医学 とうよういがく Oriental medicine
過度の信頼を置く: invest too much faith in〔~に〕
多大な信頼を寄せている: have got a lot of confidence in〔~に〕
全幅の信頼を置く 1: completely trust 全幅の信頼を置く 2 1. have complete confidence in 2. have total faith in 3. place one's trust completely in〔~に〕
対して全幅の信頼を置く: have absolutely full confidence in〔~に〕
手腕に全幅の信頼を置く: have the utmost confidence in someone's ability〔人の〕
(社)日本東洋医学会: 【組織】 Japan Society for Oriental Medicine
(財)東洋医学研究所: 【組織】 Foundation for Oriental Medicine Research
東洋医学にはずっと興味をそそられてきました。: Oriental medicine has been a thing I've been intrigued by.
最も信頼を置く側近に出世する: rise to become someone's most trusted lieutenant〔人が〕