- draft a verification protocol
査察協定: verification protocol
協定を作る: accomplish a treaty
査察議定書を作る: draft a verification protocol
会の規定を作る: set rules for the association
協定をする: do a deal
平和と安定を助長する環境を作る: create conditions conducive to peace and stability
協定を守る 1: 1. keep one's contract 2. observe an agreement 協定を守る 2 abide by the agreement of〔~の〕
協定を破る 1: tear up an agreement 協定を破る 2 violate one's agreement with〔~との〕
協定を結ぶ 1: 1. conclude an agreement 2. cut a deal 3. effect an arrangement 協定を結ぶ 2 【自動】 arrange 協定を結ぶ 3 1. forge a pact with 2. make an arrangement with 3. strike a deal (with)〔~と〕 協定を結ぶ 4 sign a pact wit
bでaを作る: build A as an extension of B
cdを作る: cut a CD
…で~を作る: 1. fashion ~ out of 2. make ~ of
くぼみ(を作る): 【名?自他動】 dinge〈英方言〉
ひだを作る: 【他動】 crimp
ほぞを作る: 【自動】 tenon