Stock market has already factored in the potential for a rate cut.
金利の引き下げを期待している: would like to see interest rates lowered 金利の引き下げ: 1. downward adjustment in the money rate 2. interest-rate reduction より一層の金利の引き下げ: further rate cut 金利の引き上げを見送る: decide not to raise interest rates 金利引き下げ: 金利引き下げ きんりひきさげ interest rate cut 絹に織り込んだ唐草模様: arabesques inwrought on silk 実効法人税率の引き下げを行う: lower the effective corporate tax rate 課税最低所得の引き下げを行う: lower the minimum level of taxable income 賃金の引き下げを受け入れる: accept lower wages _年ぶりに金利引き下げを行う: cut interest rates for the first time in __ years 金利の引き上げ: 1. hikes in interest rates 2. interest-rate hike 3. rate hike 価値の引き下げ: devaluation 値段の引き下げ: cut in price 利率の引き下げ: reduction in interest rates 家賃の引き下げ: lowering of the rent