- principles and objectives for nuclear nonproliferation and disarmament
核不拡散と核軍縮: nuclear nonproliferation and disarmament
核軍縮および核不拡散に向け努力する: strive towards nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation
核軍縮および核不拡散への道筋を示す: lay out a course to nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation
核不拡散の目標: nonproliferation goal
共通の原則と目標を分かち合う: share common principles and objectives
核不拡散: nonproliferation
核軍縮の進展: 1. progress in nuclear disarmament 2. progress of nuclear disarmament
投資成功のための原則: principle of successful investing
大量破壊兵器不拡散のための取り組み: efforts to achieve the nonproliferation of weapons of mass destruction
核不拡散体制: 1. nonproliferation regime 2. nuclear nonproliferation regime 3. nuclear nonproliferation system 4. regimes of nonproliferation
核不拡散政策: nonproliferation policy
核不拡散条約: Treaty on Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons
核不拡散活動: nonproliferation activity〔activity(反復的な活動)は通例、複数形の activities を用いる〕
核不拡散運動: nuclear nonproliferation movement
軍縮のために尽くす: labor for disarmament