- negotiations for a treaty banning the use of nuclear weapons
核兵器使用禁止条約: treaty to ban the use of nuclear weapons
包括的核実験禁止条約の締結: conclusion of a comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty
特定通常兵器使用禁止制限条約: Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on Certain Conventional Weapons
テロ防止条約の締結: conclusion of counterterrorism conventions
条約の締結: 条約の締結 じょうやくのていけつ conclusion of treaty
全面的核兵器禁止条約: comprehensive global treaty to ban nuclear arms
核兵器全面禁止条約: treaty banning nuclear weapons
不可侵条約の締結: conclusion of a nonaggression pact
平和条約の締結: conclusion of peace accords
生物兵器禁止条約の運用を検討する: review administration of the Convention on Biological and Toxic Weapons
戦術核兵器使用: 戦術核兵器使用 tactical nuclear weapon employment[航宇]
核兵器使用反対論: argument against the use of nuclear weapons
平和条約締結交渉を行う: undertake negotiations on the conclusion of a peace treaty
化学兵器禁止条約: 化学兵器禁止条約 かがくへいききんしじょうやく chemical weapons ban treaty
宇宙兵器禁止条約: treaty to ban space weapons