近年核家族化が一段と進んでいる: The trend of nuclear families is increasing in these years. 密輸組織の巧妙化が進んでいること: increasing sophistication of smuggling rings 円安が進んでいる: The yen keeps weakening. 考えが進んでいる: have advanced ideas これまでにない速さで高齢化が進んでいる: be aging at an unprecedentedly rapid pace 世界で最もネットワーク化が進んでいる国: the most advanced nation in the world in terms of Internet connectivity 核家族化: 1. spread of the nuclear family 2. trend toward the nuclear family 世界化が進んで: with more globalization 銀行離れが進んでいる: be increasingly less dependent on bank loans for financing グローバル化が進んで: with more globalization 核家族化の傾向: trend toward nuclear families その市の一部で復興が進んでいる。: Renewal is rolling forward in some parts of the city. 時計が進んでいるので針を戻す。: The clock was fast, so I set it back. 高齢化が急速に進んでいる: Japan is rapidly aging. 毎日あまりにも多くの人々が訪れるため、その建物は劣化が進んでいる。: The building is suffering because so many people come to see it every day.