- pillar of the structural reforms
構造改革の要: part and parcel of structural reform
構造改革の主導権: structural reform initiative
構造改革の加速化: acceleration of structural reforms
構造改革の名目で: under the pretext of structural reform
構造改革の強化: stepped-up structural reforms
構造改革の成果: result of structural reform〔通例複数形 results で〕
構造改革の断行: bold implementation of structural reforms
構造改革の機動力: impetus for the structural reform
構造改革の状況: state of structural reforms
構造改革の監視: surveillance of structural reforms
構造改革の継続: 1. continued structural reforms 2. continuing structural reform
構造改革の遅れ: delay in structural reform
構造改革の遅延: delay in structural reform
基本構造改革の主な目的: main aim of reforming the fundamental mechanism
大学の構造改革の方針: guidelines for reforms at universities