改革への取り組みの決意: determination to pursue reform 構造改革の取り組みをさらに加速する: further accelerate the process of structural reforms 構造改革に取り組む自らの姿勢を示す: represent one's intention to work toward structural reform 意見に理解を示す: be receptive to someone's opinion〔人の〕 解任に理解を示す: understand the dismissal of〔~の〕 頭痛に理解を示す: understand about headaches 改革への現実的な取り組みを行う: make practical efforts for reform 構造改革に本気で取り組み始める: get serious about restructuring 必要性に理解を示す: express understanding for the necessity to〔~する〕 日本の懸念に理解を示す: express understanding of Japan's concerns for〔~への〕 武力行使に理解を示す: express understanding for the use of military force by〔~の〕 改革への積極姿勢を示す: demonstrate a positive stance toward reform 紛争への取り組み: conflict-related efforts ~への取り組み方: the way that someone deals with〔人の〕 テロへの取り組みに関して説明する: explain one's efforts in response to the terrorist attacks