1. at the foot of a bridge 2. near the approach to a bridge
but then a woodcutter (lead role of the first half of the play ) appears and warns him to stop crossing because it would be impossible to reach the other side with ordinary ascetic practices , and disappears after telling him that he had better wait a while at the foot of the bridge . だが、そこに現われた樵(前シテ)は、尋常な修行では渡る事は無理だから止めておくように諭し、暫く橋のたもとで待つがよいと言い残して消える。
橋のたもと: foot of a bridge たもと: sleeve もとで: もとで 元手 funds capital stock はたもと: はたもと 旗本 shogunal vassal みみもとで: みみもとで 耳元で close to one's ears 駄目もとで: though I don't expect anything 駄目でもともとで: though I don't expect anything たもとを分つ: break away 橋の: 【形】 pontine / pontile 不況がもとで: because of the economic slump 丘のふもとで: at the base of the hill 合意のもとで: 【副】 consensually 同意のもとで: in agreement 山のふもとで: at the foot of a mountain ~のもとである: be source of