- as often as opportunity allows
接触する機会が頻繁にある人: person who has frequent contact with〔~と〕
かなり頻繁に: 1. quite often 2. with considerable frequency
機会がある 1: 1. have an opportunity 2. stand a chance 機会がある 2 1. have (an) occasion to 2. have a chance to 3. have an opportunity to 4. have the opportunity of 5. opportunity for doing〔~する〕 機会がある 3 have the op
頻繁に便通がある: have frequent bowel movements
頻繁に地震がある: have frequent earthquakes
競争力がある限り: as long as there is competitiveness
また機会がある: have another chance
また機会があるよ: You'll get another chance.
会う機会がある: have a chance to meet〔人と〕
再び機会がある: have another chance
機会があるときに: as occasion offers [serves]
触れる機会がある: have an opportunity to be exposed to〔~に〕
走行の機会がある: have the opportunity to race
かなり頻繁に外国へ行く: go abroad rather often
かなり頻繁に~を目にする: see ~ quite a few times