- scold someone for not getting regular exams [examinations]
歯の定期検診を受ける: get regular exams [examinations]
身体の定期検診を受ける: have regular medical checkups
定期検診を受ける: 1. get regular check ups 2. have a periodic medical examination
歯の定期検診を怠る: neglect regular dental exams [examinations]
~のことで(人)をしかる: get up someone for
悪いことをした(人)をしかる: come down on someone for misbehaving
遅刻したことで(人)をしかる: tell someone off for being late
歯科検診を受ける: have [get, go in for, undergo] a dental checkup
癌検診を受ける: undergo an examination for cancer
定期検診: 定期検診 ていきけんしん periodic medical check-up (examination)
道に外れた行いをしたことで(人)をしかる: scold someone for his improper behavior
間違った行いをしたことで(人)をしかる: scold someone for his improper behavior
定期検査を受ける: undergo a regular check
定期健診を受ける: 1. go for a routine checkup 2. receive regular checkups 3. take a regular physical checkup 4. undergo routine medical examinations
定期的な検診を受けるために歯医者に行く: go to a dentist for a routine checkup