- stay healthy [well] throughout one's life
死ぬまで健康な体を維持する: stay healthy [well] throughout one's life
健康でいる 1: 1. stay healthy [well] 2. stay in good health 健康でいる 2 【動】 keep fit
死ぬまで~し続けるつもりでいる: intend to continue ~ until someone dies〔人が〕
一生健康でいる: stay healthy [well] throughout one's life
生涯健康でいる: be healthy for the rest of one's life
死ぬまで 1: 1. for the rest of one's life 2. in one's (entire) life 3. till one dies 4. to [until] the bitter [very] end 5. to death 6. to the death 7. to the grave 8. to the last breath [gasp] 9. to the last e
死ぬまでの: for life
死ぬまで病院にいる: stay at hospital for life
死ぬまで働く: work till one dies
死ぬまで愛し合う: love each other for life
死ぬまで戦う 1: 1. fight to one's last breath 2. fight to the finish [last] 死ぬまで戦う 2 【動】 fight to the death
健康でいられる: keep ~ in good health〔主語のおかげで〕
サラは死ぬまで日本にいると言い張る: Sarah insists she will stay in Japan for life.
きちんと食べて健康でいる: eat right and stay healthy
彼は死ぬまで母親の死を嘆き悲しんでいた: He mourned the death of his mother until he died.