- The death sentence passed on the dissident has been commuted to 25 years of imprisonment.
彼は死刑から終身刑に減刑された: His death sentence was commuted to life imprisonment.
死刑を終身刑に減刑する: commute the sentence from death to life imprisonment
減刑判決: reduced sentence
死刑判決: 死刑判決 しけいはんけつ death sentence
死刑判決の終身刑への減刑: commutation of the death sentence to life imprisonment
_年の執行猶予付き死刑判決を受ける: be sentenced to death with a __ year reprieve
死刑判決を下す: 1. pass the death sentence 2. sentence ~ to death
死刑判決を免れる: escape death sentence
死刑判決を求める: seek the death sentence for〔人に対して〕
死刑判決を覆す: overturn death sentences for〔~への〕
その団体は、死刑宣告を終身刑に減刑するよう訴えた。: The organization appealed for the commutation of the death sentence to life imprisonment.
業務上過失致死罪で執行猶予付き禁固_年の判決が下る: be sentenced to a suspended __-year prison term for professional negligence resulting in the death
懲役_年の刑に服す: serve a __-year term in prison
_年の実刑判決: a __-year jail sentence
_年から無期あるいは死刑に至るまでの実刑判決を受ける: face prison sentences ranging from __ years to life or the death penalty