$50,000 reward is offered for information leading to the resolution of the murder case.
結び付く情報: information leading to〔~に〕 _ドルの謝礼を約束する: offer [promise, put up] a __ dollar reward to〔人に〕 逮捕に結び付く情報の提供者への報奨金: reward for information leading to an arrest _ドルの売上増加に結び付く: lead to an increase in sales of $__ 勤労に対して_ドルの謝礼をもらう: be given a reward of $__ for one's service 殺人事件解決のかぎを捜す: search for clues about the murder 殺人事件解決のかぎを探る: search for clues about the murder 殺人事件解決の手掛かりを捜す: search for clues about the murder 殺人事件解決の手掛かりを探る: search for clues about the murder 殺人事件解決の糸口を捜す: search for clues about the murder 殺人事件解決の糸口を探る: search for clues about the murder 互いに結び付く: connect with each other 密接に結び付く 1: involve ~ deeply〔~と〕 密接に結び付く 2 be highly interdisciplinary〔複数の学問分野が〕 相互に結び付く: be bound up together 経営難に結び付く: put the survival of the business into question