- He was arrested on a charge of murder.
スパイ容疑で逮捕された: He was arrested on espionage charges.
傷害容疑で逮捕される: be booked on suspicion of assault
収賄容疑で逮捕される: 1. be arrested on bribery charges 2. be arrested over suspicion of bribery
放火の容疑で逮捕される: be arrested on suspicion of arson
殺害容疑で逮捕される 1: be arrested on suspicion of killing〔~の〕 殺害容疑で逮捕される 2 be under arrest in the death of〔人の〕
窃盗容疑で逮捕される: be busted for theft
脱税容疑で逮捕される: be arrested on suspicion of tax evasion
あなたを殺人容疑で逮捕します。: I'm placing you under arrest on suspicion of murder.
彼らは、政府に対する共同謀議の容疑で逮捕された: They were arrested for an alleged conspiracy against the government.
あっせん収賄容疑で逮捕される: be arrested on suspicion of accepting bribes for influence peddling
インサイダー取引の容疑で逮捕される: be arrested on insider trading charges
マリファナ所持の容疑で逮捕される: be arrested on a marijuana possession charge《法律》
偽計業務妨害容疑で逮捕される: be arrested on charges related to intervention on the bidding
在任中の受託収賄容疑で逮捕される: be arrested on charges one took a bribe while in the post
婦女暴行致死容疑で逮捕される: be arrested on charges of sexual assault resulting in death