- number of votes in the proportional-representation constituencies
得票数: 得票数 とくひょうすう number of votes obtained (polled)
比例区: proportional-representation constituency
法定得票数: 法定得票数 ほうていとくひょうすう minimum number of votes required to elect a candidate
総得票数: aggregate votes
多数の得票: majority vote
比例区議員: proportional representation lawmaker
州ごとの得票: state-by-state tallies
比例代表区で: in the PR section of the poll
参議院選挙での(人)の比例区名簿順位を上げる: put someone's name higher on the party's list of candidates for the proportional representation seat in the Upper House election
多数の得票をする: garner [get, have, obtain, poll, receive, score, win] a lot of votes (in)〔~において〕
衆院比例区定数: number of seats in the proportional-representation electoral system for the Lower House
市街地区での: 【形】 intown
得票数で大差をつけて: with a commanding lead in the electoral count
総得票数で(人)を負かす: best someone in total votes won
総得票数で(人)を退ける: best someone in total votes won